
“By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.” Matthew 7:16-20
The ethos behind the following Training and Equipping Courses are to help those working with children and young people to bear better fruit in their encounters with young people and children.
By those working with children and young people we mean, ANYONE working with children and young people, including volunteers and those paid workers, ministers and lay workers, Sunday school leaders and messy church runners - anyone those role within the church involves working with children and young people.
Currently, we have three levels of training.

Core Skills in Youth Work:
This training resource is designed to equip youth workers (voluntary and paid) with the ‘core’ skills needed to develop and build a sustainable youth provision in your church. This is not about teaching you to suck eggs, but arming you with the tools to better suck those eggs. Based on the Spectrum training resource created at Wesley College, Bristol in partnership with Churches together and the Baptist Union of Great Britain.
This short course, run over two days, is suitable for those new or with some experience of youth work, combining face 2 face training with exercises to do within their placement. Providing a supportive environment, offering participants the opportunity to explore and develop the basic skills and knowledge that will enable good youth work practice.
Core Skills in Children’s Work:
This short 2 day training course for those working with children: including, Sunday school, junior church, messy church, Godly play workers. Providing volunteers and/or paid workers with the ‘Core’/foundation skills needed by all those involved in church based children’s ministry.

Parallel Equipping days are ‘stand-alone’ training days designed to expand the knowledge and to up-skill all those working with Children & Young People. Aimed at; expanding and building upon the knowledge and skills of workers and volunteers alike.
Topics include:​
Growing Young: A day of exploring this new research into the 6 essential strategies to help young people discover and love your church. With practical ideas of how you can help your church ‘Grow Young’.
Reaching and Keeping Volunteers: This practical and interactive equipping day will explore how we can recruit new volunteers as well as keeping and valuing the ones we have.
Working Multi-culturally: This equipping day will explore how we can engage with and build relationships with young people from different cultures.
Dealing with Challenging Behaviour: This practical and interactive one day course will equip youth and children’s workers with the tools needed to respond and deal with challenging behaviour.
Working with Additional Needs: This module will give participants a basic knowledge of the differing types of additional needs and the tools and techniques to help those children and young people with additional needs.
Encouraging Holy Habits in children and young people: This practical and interactive workshop explores ways of encouraging children and young people to explore Holy Habits and Beautiful Disciplines, discovering creative and practical ways of helping young people and children ‘rediscover’ these ancient ways of discipleship. To engage with the bible and prayer, including through the use of multi-sensory worship, prayer rooms.
Mentoring: This ‘How-To’ guide workshop will take you through the process of setting up and running a mentoring network, as well as equipping you with the ‘tools’ to mentor young people.
Social Media: the positives and pitfalls: This training day will equip attendees with resources to better engage with young people on the issues surrounding social media, using CEOP’s online resources. As well as exploring ways in which we can use social media to positively engage with young people.
Developing Young Leaders: This ‘train the trainers’ course is designed equip workers with the resources to enable them to run a Young Leaders Discipleship training course within their setting.
Young People and Mental Health: A day looking at how we can support those young people in our care who may experience mental health issues. Particularly with Exam season starting in May.
Jesus @ the Movies: Film & Theology: Exploring practically how films can be used as ‘modern day parables’ in ministry with young people. As well as helping young people to engage with films in a way that points them to Jesus.
Reaching Out into the Community: This module explores ways of researching the needs of your community and then ways of reaching out to the children in your local community.
Train the Trainers: This practical and interactive workshop designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to deliver as well as produce workshops.
Voice Activated: Developing Participation: Based on Voice Activated (produced by the Well) this interactive module will take attendees through the theories behind youth participation, equipping them with the knowledge and techniques to enable them to empower children and young people in the decision-making process of your church or project.
Building Sustainable Youth Ministry: ​A day exploring and starting the process of how you can help your church build a sustainable youth and children’s ministry looking at a new way of doing youth ministry, exploring a systematic approach, challenging church culture.
Resources, Resources, Resources: ​This practical and interactive equipping day will explore how Blobs, LEGO and the Understanding Christianity Frieze can be used in our ministries.
Talking about Relationships & Sex with Children & Young People: ​So many children and young people are crying out for the church to talk about relationships and sex. This day will encourage leaders to think about the why and how of putting this into practice. We’ll consider healthy relationships, self-esteem, and media influences such as sexting and porn. This Session will be run by a member of Acet UK’s Esteem Network
Evangelism: Tools to Share:​ This equipping day will give you the tool to be able to equip children and young people to be better able to share the good news of the gospel with their friends.