About Us
The London District of the Methodist Church serves to enable and champion the work of Circuits and Churches in the Greater London area. It is set up in a collaborative structure, currently with two Chairs, Revd Dr Jonathan Dean and Revd Dr Jongikaya Zihle, working together with a team of paid and voluntary officers to support and develop the life of the District.
The District is home to many projects established within our circuits, including those focused on homelessness and housing, food poverty and youth work. There are also a number of educational institutions within the District.
The team serves all registered Methodist Churches in London, and many more people who are involved in our work and worship. To find out more about what the London District is involved in, check out 'What we do'
Within our District there are...
some 15,000 members
34 circuits
over 200 churches
over 100 active ministers
As a District, we are a diverse group of people originating from many different countries and communities who find ourselves worshipping and witnessing together in urban, suburban and rural areas.
We are better together and our intention is to contribute to the wellbeing of each other, of this global city and the surrounding areas, and of the wider Methodist Church.