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Writer's pictureLondon District Office


Father God

You know that safeguarding is a big issue in the Church. That we have looked back to review our history and our journey, and at times we have been found wanting. We want to put things right so that we prevent abuse in the future and protect those who have been and are still being affected in any way.

We thank you for all those who work hard to make sure that we are a safe church. For their commitment and hard work when the task can sometimes seem overwhelming. Give them strength and support and the knowledge that their work is a real example of working out the gospel in everyday church and community life.

We pray that you will give courage and wisdom to our leaders as through their influence they set clear examples of our hopes for our churches always to be safe places.

We pray for all those who have experienced any sort of abuse, but especially in a church setting where people should always feel safe. We pray for healing and restoration, but above all justice. We pray that our recent learning from the Past Cases Review and from our direct engagement with survivors will bear fruit that will be a real testament to our church’s ambition.

For the perpetrators of abuse we pray that they will learn to understand the harm and hurt they have caused, and appreciate why the church aims to stand firm in applying its policies and procedures.

For all this work to be sustained, we pray your blessing on our London District Safeguarding Officer and the District Safeguarding Group who provide support and guidance.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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