Sometimes, Lord God, life is hard. The cares of life and our troubled world can fill us with uncertainty and anxiety, and we find it hard to face the future.
We long for peace – not just for ourselves – but for those around us, our churches and our world.
Lord, enable us every day to recognise our need of you. May we live each day as people transformed by the wonderful surprise of Easter – when you changed what seemed the end into a new beginning and you turned what seemed to be the triumph of evil into the victory of love.
May each new day bring to us, to our churches and to our world, new hope, new joy and new life.
Sometimes, Lord God, life is hard – surprise us and transform us, for the sake of your Kingdom; in the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen
1. Please pray for our district, circuits and churches – for new opportunities for mission and service.
2. Please pray that all our churches are safe, caring communities which provide a loving environment for all.
3. Please pray that each of us may know we are valued and have a place within the life of our churches – all with something to offer to one another and something to receive.
- Revd Dr Paul Hill
Gracious Lord,
We give you thanks, for your faithfulness over the past year, and we set before you the work of our district this connexional year.
We give you thanks for all those who continue to support your work in the district through their time, prayer and finances.
We ask for your blessing on the work of the staff in the District’ Office and on Revd Michaela Youngson, Revd Nigel Cowgill and Revd Jongikaya Zihle.
May the work that we do in your name bring about your glory.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
- Revd Faith Nyota