Stationing is at the heart of who we are as a Connexional Church. During each Connexional year, ministers and Circuits explore with each other opportunities for mission and ministry within their local context. The District Chairs will meet with Circuits and ministers annually to engage in conversation about the needs and wishes for that ministry.
Each circuit is expected to have an invitation committee to oversee their stationing process. The processes to be followed for the stationing of ministers will be made available to Circuit Stewards and others who need them through annual training sessions, which will give you the opportunity for full discussion of responsibilities and appropriate ways of carrying them out.
Invitations and Stationing Training
Ministers and circuits going through stationing are invited to attend a scheduled training session. We strongly encourage church stewards (from where the minister has pastoral oversight) to attend. All available sessions and links to book, are below.
Stationing Documents
All stationing documents are available to download from the Methodist Church website. This includes the Code of Practice and stationing forms for both Ministers and Circuits. All forms can be accessed via the link below.
Please also find below, the Code of Practice 2025 List of Amendments which should assist with using the Code of Practice document.
If you require further assistance, or have any questions, please contact the District Office.