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A Prayer from the Harrow and Hillingdon Circuit

Tuesday 19 December 2023

The Harrow and Hillingdon Circuit asks you to pray for the following:


We thank God for all our resources: human and financial. We are grateful that we have dedicated ordained and lay staff, as well as volunteers.


We ask you to pray with us:

  • For a greater openness to work beyond our own churches by building closer relationships and worshipping together at joint services in other churches.

  • We ask for your prayers as we discern how to do mission across the Circuit in new and creative ways.

  • And we ask you to pray for existing programmes within the Circuit: those who provide warm spaces; work with young people; those who reach out to lonely people and also for the inter-faith and ecumenical work in different parts of the Circuit.


Thank you for praying with and for us. May God bless you all.

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