A Prayer for Advent
Sunday 28 November 2021
Loving God, as we look forward to the gift of Jesus this Advent, we think with gratitude of all that we have and all that you give us. We long to trust you with our whole selves, but in fear we so often hold back. Please give us faith to trust that when we give you what we have, there will be enough and more to spare for everyone.
Loving God, at this time of togetherness, we pray for those for whom this is a painful and lonely time of year. May we open ourselves to the action of your Spirit, helping us to be your hands, your feet and your eyes in a hurting world. Please give us courage to step out of our comfort zones in response to the stories and needs of others.
Loving God, we thank you for the riches that we have in one another. For the hard work of our ministers, our lay workers, and for all who participate in our shared life. May each person with whom we come into contact, feel that they are valued, known and loved.
Merciful God, in our greed and our fear that we do not have enough, we exploit our brothers and sisters across the world. Teach us to delight in your creation, not grasp its resources. We pray for those whose livelihoods have been destroyed as a result of climate change. Stir up our hearts to turnaround to new and just ways of living, and to speak out for those whose voices are unheard.
Loving God, please guide our leaders at this time of uncertainty in the worldwide pandemic. Help all those who make decisions to think first of the most vulnerable. We pray for your peace and healing presence for those living with fear and anxiety.
Loving God, in this time of Advent waiting, help us to trust in your abundant love to sustain us daily. Please give us a deepening awareness of your presence, and we ask that the assurance of your love for us would shine through us to bless those we meet. Amen
By Joanna Kelly,
London District Project Coordinator