A fond farewell
So as the season is changing, and we’re thankful for more sun, we have some news to update you on changes within the Learning Network.
Some of you may have been aware that Sally Rush has been on a Fixed Term Contract which was due to end in August. However, we are very delighted to announce that she has been made permanent. If you would like to message Sally, you can reach her at rushs@methodistchurch.org.uk.
Sadly, James Pickin, Our Learning Network Co-ordinator will be moving on to pastures new as he looks to take up a new role at London Southbank University. His last working day is this Friday 16th June – if you would like to get in contact with him you can email him at pickinj@methodistchurch.org.uk.
In addition to this, the Learning Network has sought to consider how it resources Districts, Circuits and Churches. As a network of learning and development professionals we are aware that we collectively have a variety of skills and gifts, and we want to make sure we can utilise that for all of the connexion. As a result, from 1st September we will no longer be structured in regions. Each District will have an aligned officer, but we will seek to draw in expertise from around the network to make sure we get the best person to resource your needs.
Within London, we will have two aligned officers, Sally and Sharon, because of the size of the District. The Network will be managed in Area Groups and the South East area, of which the London District sits in, will be managed by Tricia Mitchell who was previously the Learning Network Co-ordinator for the North East Learning Network Region. If you would like to get in contact with Tricia you can email her at mitchellt@methodistchurch.org.uk.
This therefore means, this will be our last official communication as the London Learning Network team as we begin to transition to a one Learning Network approach. The Learning Network will keep you informed of further updates as we transition into the new connexional year However, you will still be able to contact Sally and Sharon, as well at Tricia, to talk about any of your learning and development needs.
We wish you all the best and hope you’re enjoying the summer sun!
The London Learning Network team