Circuit Stewards
Circuit Stewards play a vital role in the life of the local Methodist Church. They work in partnership with presbyters, deacons, church workers and other stewards to enable people to find fulfilment and belonging within the Church.
People from all walks of life become Circuit Stewards each bringing their own experiences and abilities to the role. But the foundation for all circuit stewards' work is a love for, and relationship with, God, the Church and the world.
The tasks and involvements of a Circuit Steward may vary from Circuit to Circuit, but some skills and abilities essential to the role include:
A Christian faith and a commitment to working with responsibility in a voluntary capacity
Leadership skills - which can mean flexibility and tenacity
Team work skills - it is important to be collaborative and affirming
Willingness to invest in positive friendships and relationships
Enthusiasm and a willingness to learn on the job
For more information on the who/what/where/why and how of Circuit Stewards, please visit the Methodist Connexion website.
The District offers twice yearly meetings of Circuit Stewards, an Induction session for new circuit stewards, and specific training concerning the responsibilities of circuit stewards with regard to stationing. These all provide opportunities for you to be supported in your responsibilities. They also provide key opportunities to meet with other circuit stewards in order to share something of the wisdom, joys and challenges of being a circuit steward within the London District and to recognise you are not alone.
Alongside the support of fellow stewards and the ministers within your circuit, the District Team is keen to resource you in your work. Please feel free to email the District Team, who will often be your first port of call. Where appropriate, they can put you in touch with other District staff and the District Resource Groups for human resources, property and finance who can support you in various ways.