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Church and Circuit Review

Church Reviews


There are many reasons to carry out a review of your church.

Mission: to look at where God is calling your church to be and do. In the local community? With neighbours? Within the congregation?

Vision: to release the potential of your congregation to see where God is leading and make plans

Change: has your church changed? Declining numbers or increased growth? Less young people or more? Is what you are doing now what you have always done? Is it time to take stock and regroup?

In a rut: Is your church stuck without a clear way forward? Does it feel like nothing much is happening? Has the energy gone?


There are a number of tools available to help you review your church:~

Healthy Church Reviews: from the book Healthy Churches Handbook by Robert Warren.

Angels Visioning exercise: from the same book and working with the whole congregation to energise and get a clear vision of what God is calling you to.

Community Audit: a simple way to engage the church is looking at the surrounding local community. A suggested tool is available to be downloaded. (see below)


Wendy Beard is placed within the London Region as a Learning and Development Officer to help churches do all these things. There is no need to go it alone. Call her for a chat and she can come and facilitate the most appropriate process for your situation. There is a team of expert volunteers to support this work who can come and be part of the process so don’t forget to ask.



Circuit Reviews


Mission: Circuits, especially newly formed Circuits, may want to have a strategic look at themselves as they start to plan their work or move into a new phase of development.

Staffing: Circuits which have experienced significant change in terms of ministerial oversight or resources may want to consider where they now stand, or how they need to plan for changes in the level of staffing.

Self-understanding: Circuits which are struggling to discover a ‘Circuit mind’ or identity may find it helpful to have a ‘mirror’ held up to them to help with that process.

Identity: In many places the sense of Circuit is not strong, and the Review process can be a valuable way of building it up.


There are a variety of ways of doing Circuit reviews, and each Circuit needs to consider carefully what will be the best way of meeting its particular needs. A conversation with Wendy Beard may be the first step to having a church or circuit review.



Please contact Wendy Beard, Learning and Development Officer for the London Region, either by email or telephone (07799 900 458), with any questions you may have about Church or Circuit Reviews.

Discovering our Communities

Community Audit Tool

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