Bible Studies
As a Commission, we feel strongly that we need to explore not just the ‘social issues’ that face our District, but also seek to understand our call for justice theologically. Providing Bible Study material helps individuals, church and circuits explore social justice, not just as a good thing to do, but as something that is found deep in the heart of God and therefore central to our calling as God’s people.
In 2015, the Social Responsibility Commission asked Synod members to list what they felt were the most pressing issues facing the candidates in the forthcoming 2016 London Mayoral elections. The issues considered to be most pressing were Community (Crime and Integration), Education and Young People, Housing, Environment, Welfare/Benefits/Poverty and Health.
In 2017, following the start of the new District theme Moving Stories, the Social Responsibility Commission and Authorised Ministries Commission created a Bible Study Course based on Migration Stories from the bible, so that Londoners might better understand the challenges faced by migrants. This resource is also to ensure that the lessons that can be learned from biblical Moving Stories are outlined, so that we as a church might become better examples of an inclusive and respectful community.
Exploring Brexit through the lens of Ruth
Corrymeela is delighted to make this material available as part of our desire to place the bible text right in the middle of the most difficult and profound issues in the public square. We are passionately committed to reading the bible in this way, and it is a source of genuine wonder to us that this ancient text can play an active and stimulating role in informing and preparing us for this future.