District Safeguarding Conference and the Coronavirus - An Update
In light of growing concerns surrounding the speed by which the virus is spreading, the District has taken the time to carefully consider the options and whether the conference should indeed be going ahead.
After much thoughtful deliberation, the decision has been made to postpone the conference until October / November of this year.
We have not come to this decision lightly and it is with regret that we make this announcement. However, due to the nature of the conference and the level of physical interaction between attendees, we do not feel that it would be appropriate for the conference to take place. I’m sure you will agree that a safeguarding conference where the organisers do not consider safeguarding the attendees would be quite a thing indeed!
It goes without saying that the health and wellbeing of our attendees as well as their extended circle of families and friends, is of great importance to us. Whilst we do not wish to be alarmist about the current situation we feel strongly that this will be the best and most prudent course of action.
Please note that all training sessions and meetings that the District is due to facilitate, will be considered on an individual basis.
We are in the process of securing an alternative date for this conference to take place and will release this information as soon as possible. Please do keep a look out in the Weekly Update and on the Safeguarding News section of the website for further updates.
With kindest regards.