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A Prayer from the Wimbledon Circuit

Tuesday 04 June 2024

After the eventfulness of Lent, Easter and Pentecost we find ourselves back in what the Church calls Ordinary Time. Ordinary. 


Let us pray  

We thank you, O God, for the ordinary things in life 

for the routine, and the everyday. 


For the reviving wash. 

For the morning cup of coffee. 

For the song on the radio. 

For the smile of a stranger. 

For the hello from a familiar face. 

For the seat obtained on a bus or train. 

For work. For rest. For play. 

For the phone call we’d waited for. 

For help offered. 

For care received. 

For times with friends and family. 

For a restorative meal. 

For a night in front of the tv. 

For the book at bedtime. 

For sleep. 

For stories shared. 

For hands held. 

For love given and received. 


We thank you, O God, for all these – and many more –  

extraordinary gifts of life. 

Help us not to take them for granted  

but instead cherish, celebrate and share them with others. 


The Wimbledon Circuit ask you to pray for: 

Please pray for us as we work to shape a new Circuit Mission plan, that together we might discern how God best wants us to use the resources put at our disposal, now and in the future.


Please pray for us as we strive to become the inclusive, justice-seeking Circuit and churches that we believe God calls us to be. 


Please pray for all that we do in an effort to be responsible stewards of creation and good neighbours to those around us in all the communities that we seek to serve. 

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