About Moving Stories

London is a diverse, vibrant and energetic city; a truly global city with a rich array of peoples, cultures and faith communities. It is home for people from all parts of the world. Its excitement, complexity and challenges are exceptional.
37% per cent of London’s population were born outside the UK – the highest foreign born population of any city in the world
Over 300 languages are spoken throughout the city
Large communities represent each of the world’s major religions
Almost 103,000 international students live and learn across the city each year
Over 15 million tourists visit every year, soaking up the culture and history
32 boroughs offering unique cultures, characteristics and stories
"Our hope
is that we might 'change the story' so that migration is celebrated, rather than feared..."
Please find attached the project overview, including it's aims, objectives and methods.
The mission of the Methodist Church in London is shaped by this exciting and challenging context. As disciples of Jesus Christ we work together to respond creatively to the opportunities and needs of this unique city.
Migration is a key part of the story and a theme with which the churches, circuits and District wish to actively engage. Our hope is that we might ‘change the story’ so that migration is celebrated rather than feared and engage with the challenges of issues linked to migration.
As part of this response the District is planning to focus on ‘Migration’ as a District theme for at least two years, commencing in September 2017.