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Re-opening churches
A Q and A Session

On 04 July, the government gave the go-ahead for churches across the country to re-open for worship. Whilst this was a joyous and gratefully received moment, it was not without its caveats and nor did it mean that church services could resume in the same vein as before.


There are risk assessments to be conducted, guidelines to be adhered to, and congregation members to reassure about the safety of returning to indoor worship. There has been and still is, a lot to think about.


To help with this process, and to address the many and varied questions that the current situation brings, the District will be hosting a live question and answer session via Zoom. All are welcome to attend and registration is not necessary.


Date: Thursday 13 August

Time: 10am - 11.30am

Click here to join the meeting

(alternative access details can be found below)


Participating in this session are:


  • Revd Michaela Youngson - London District Chair

  • Becky Skinner - District Safeguarding Officer

  • Kathleen Henriques-Brown - District Property Development Officer

  • Sandy Youngson - Facilitator of 'Infection Control in Faith Settings Briefings'


With a varied panel we hope to be able to answer any and all questions you may have regarding the re-opening of church buildings. If you would like to submit your question in advance please email the Admin Team.


Details of how to access the meeting can be found below. This session is open to all, so please do spread the word. We look forward to seeing you.


Alternative access options:


Meeting ID: 871 2438 4033

Password: 068549

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+44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom

+44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom

+44 203 901 7895 United Kingdom

+44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom

+44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom

Meeting ID: 871 2438 4033

Password: 068549

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