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Coronavirus guidance for Monitoring Support Groups

Connexion have received a few queries about meetings of MSG groups and their most recent guidance states in terms of church business, all face to face meetings should be cancelled. We urge you to consider alternative methods for holding MSG meetings, such as Skype, Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Please make a clear note on records so it can be seen why events or meetings have been delayed or amended.​

Because of restrictions on travel and advice for social distancing, there will be a need to consider how Safeguarding Contracts for those who pose a risk can be monitored.  â€‹

If your church is considering prayer stations, and monitoring cannot be effectively applied, it would be acceptable to put in place a temporary restriction on the subject being able to attend any unmonitored activities and this should be put in writing to the subject. Remember to record all decisions made. If you feel this applies to your group, please come back to your District Safeguarding Officer.​

Wishing you all well in these difficult times.

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