Woven, the London District Theme for 2019-2022, centres on the power of storytelling to transform and renew us in our lifelong discipleship as followers of Christ.
‘Whether or not the stories have happy endings, just by telling the story of how God works in our lives, we bear witness to what God has done and is doing, for us personally.’
- Clive Marsh, Vice-President of the Methodist Conference 2019/20
Woven reminds us that there is a grand narrative that God is writing and that by His grace we’re being woven mercifully into His story.
We are also inspired by Jesus’s call to live out and confidently share this story with others, interweave our lives with communities around us, so that they too may hear, experience and become part of God’s story.
In locating ourselves in God’s story, we also realise there is enough room for others to be part of it and we extend an invitation to them.
1 Thessalonians 2 : 8
So deeply do we care for you that we are determined to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you have become very dear to us. (NRSV)
The vision of Woven is:
To see increased confidence and ownership of the beautiful weaving of our stories into God’s story
For God’s story and our faith journeys to be shared confidently within and beyond our church walls regularly and more widely
Woven started in concert with the Methodist Church’s Presidential theme for 2019/20 of So what’s the Story…? which encourages us to learn from other people’s stories and to reflect on our own story.
Meet The Planning Group
Working with the London District Chairs
Evelyn de Graft
(Volunteer Member)
Zoe Oppong Anorson
(Volunteer Member)
Katherine Oduro
(Volunteer Member)
Revd David Hollingsworth
(Minister: Islington and Camden Mission)