A Prayer for the Season of Epiphany from the Wimbledon Circuit
Sunday 09 January 2022
In recent days we’ve moved into Epiphanytide. Though we’ve left Christmas behind us for another year, in this season of Epiphany (of ‘manifestation’) we’re constantly reminded that its light – the light of Christ – never leaves us; that we carry it with us into the year ahead; that this light is intended to be a blessing for everyone.
In the fabulous ‘Blessing of the Magi’, Jan Richardson reflects upon the journey that the wise men took – first, following the star, bearing gifts to the infant Jesus; and then, having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, home again by another road.
She suggests that the light the Magi thought they’d left behind – and which they may have feared would soon be engulfed by darkness – was subsequently discovered to be spilling from their empty hands, shimmering beneath their homeward feet, and illuminating the road with every step that they subsequently took.
With such thoughts in mind, let us pray.
Loving God
We give you thanks for moments of wonder, insight, and illumination.
As we move further into this New Year, journey with us we pray,
guide us with light that shimmers at our feet and shows us your way.
Help us to be such bearers of your light
that it spills freely from our hands
and is enabled to be what it was always intended to be:
a blessing for others.
Please pray for:
For its partnerships with the Church of England and the Lantern Arts Centre, and its ongoing engagement with Christian Care Association Merton, Merton Street Pastors and Merton Citizens
For new projects that are being embarked upon within it (including a community garden and a junk food café)
That its churches – Christ Church with St Philip, Worcester Park; Lantern (Raynes Park & Wimbledon); Martin Way; Stoneleigh and Ruxley – may all continue to be good bearers of the Christ light in the communities in which they serve.
By Revd Paul Timmis,
Superintendent, Wimbledon Circuit