District News
Chairs' Easter Message

When told 'He is not here, He is risen' (c.f. Mark 16:5-6); that was an indicator that strife, punishment & death were not strong enough to put down a good person. As we face the events of that fateful Easter when Christ went through the courts (hence the service of the shadows or maundy Thursday or Tenebrae), carried His cross to the place of the skulll/ Golgotha and was hung on the cross; life for the disciples and all around seemed bleak, painful, guilt- ridden and death saturated. Yet it wasn't the end. Thank God it was only Friday.
As Chairs of the London District, we would like you to know that we're thinking and praying for you; whatever "Fridays" you may be facing. We have faith confidence that this Easter time will usher you into hopeful "Sundays" where your joys will be compounded by the amazing grace of our risen Lord, Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world.
Have a happy and Christ-centred Easter. Shalom.
Jongi, Nigel and Michaela.