Registration is now open for the latest Safeguarding Forum
Our second Safeguarding Forum for the Connexional year will focus on safeguarding audit checks.
In recent years, there has been an increasing emphasis placed on safeguarding within a wide variety of organisations, and this has seen growth in organisations held accountable for their activities, processes and reporting structures.
Each circuit will be required to complete an annual audit confirming policies are in place as well as evidencing other safeguarding areas such as recruitment and case handling. The District Safeguarding Team will identify areas for improvement and circuits will be supported to improve safeguarding practices.
This session applies to all churches and circuits as audit checking will be rolled out throughout the coming months. Those with roles in safeguarding are requested to attend.
Our newly appointed ADSO, Karen Stapley and DSO, Becky Skinner will lead the session. Attendees will learn about the audit checking process and what is required from each church and circuit.
To confirm your attendance please click here.