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Safeguarding Conference 2019 - A focus on well-being and safeguarding.
Bookings are now invited for the annual Safeguarding Conference that will take place at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, on Saturday March 16th.
This year our thoughts will be led by Professor Malcolm Payne who is a leading authority on emotional well-being and safeguarding adults in particular, and who is also the Sutton Circuit Safeguarding Coordinator. Malcolm will be our keynote speaker, and then we will offer workshops to focus in more detail on how this topic affects different groups including children and young people. There will also be a short business catch up session to share up to date Connexional and District safeguarding news.
Emotional well-being is also a key theme this year for the national Safeguarding Conference. We believe therefore that our subject this time chimes with a wider interest in the Church about mental health and safeguarding, and where there may be concerns both about risky behaviour and vulnerability. It promises to be a stimulating and timely event, and one that will provide helpful and relevant advice and guidance to local churches.
The conference starts with coffee and registration from 10.00 am, getting underway promptly at 10.30. Lunch will be provided and we will finish by 3.30pm. A detailed programme with final timings and workshops choices will be published at the end of February.
You must book using the Eventbrite system and the link is below:
We will send out all further information about the conference by email to those who have registered. The closing date is March 1st 2019.
For more information please contact Martha Yankey at District Office on 020 7654 3850.
Breaking News – 25 May 2018
The privacy notices that we will need to use as part of our regular safeguarding processes were published on May 24th. There are 10 in all for use in different circumstances. They are available for you to look at and download in word format here. They are for immediate use from May 25th as necessary but it is advisable to think carefully about their use in the next few days until further guidance has been posted.
In addition, a useful guide was also published on May 24th and you can access this here. Grahame Snelling will publish further guidance detailing how and when the various forms are to be used by Friday June 1st. This guidance will also describe how the forms can be adjusted to suit local need.
Circuit visits
Grahame aims to visit each circuit by the summer of 2018. If your circuit does not yet have a date please contact Grahame to arrange a convenient date and time.