District News
President joins Inter-Faith Week Panel at City, University of London

The Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Team at City, University of London, was delighted to host an inter-faith week panel event called: ‘Prayers, Politics and Public Life’. The panel consisted of Rabbi Dr Harvey Belovski, CEO of University Jewish Chaplaincy and contributor to Radio 4’s Thought for the Day; Fuad Nahdi, editor of the Muslim Q Magazine and founder of Radical Middle Way confronting the theology behind violent extremism; Catherine Pepinster, former editor of The Tablet and also contributor to Thought for the Day and our very own Michaela Youngson, also known as Madam President!
Our panel chair, Jonathan Hewett, senor lecturer in Journalism steered us through a range of questions from young people and religion to whether the terminology people of faith use is helpful or not.
The panel were robust in their answers and gave us much food for thought. One attendee remarked: “As someone of no faith, and at a glance of the title, Prayers, Politics and Public Life might not be an obvious choice for my Wednesday lunchtime! However, I came away from the event actually thinking I wish it could have lasted longer as the nature of comment, questions and answers was very stimulating and quite refreshing.”
We’re already thinking about how to mark Inter-Faith Week 2019. What are your plans?
Revd Ian Worsfold
Coordinating Chaplain