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I Stand With You

Tuesday 27 July 2021

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I stand with you
Behold, He said;
"I stand at the door and knock",
When we let Christ in,
our bewildered existence gains meaning;
We may not agree with where others are at,
We may feel a changed understanding of our faith tenets,
Yet He is still with us,
Christ declares,
I stand with you.

I stand with you
when it seems talk is difficult and faith words are lost
when it appears your acceptance depends on others' scriptural interpretations,
when your union with another is questioned and judged,
I am your way, the truth of your life;
I stand with you.

Do not be discouraged,
nor dismayed;
When theology mystifies and church speak leaves you empty
Remember, I am The Alpha!
Your start starts now,
A new beginning
A fresh actualisation,
A renewed journey  
to be with The Omega!
Who is unshaken, in
Standing with you!

Whilst in your mother's womb,
I stood with you,
When in faith formation,
I walked with you,
While in life quests,
Beyond loneliness and pandemics
I stood with you and,
When your spiritual identity is shaken,
I still stand with you;
For you are faithfully
and wonderfully made;
You are mine, I in you
and you in me;
For always, I stand with you!

By Revd Dr Jongikaya Zihle

I Stand With You - 27 July 2021
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