A Prayer from the Hackney and Stoke Newington Circuit
Sunday 16 January 2022
God in community, Trinity of love, we pray for the people, leaders and churches and issues that are the Methodist Church in Hackney and Stoke Newington, and the Borough of Hackney.
God in community:
Above us
Beside us
Within us
We praise you in your infinite mystery, we gaze upon your face as we stare in awe at the star lit heavens and the majesty of mountains. We are amazed by the power of wind and sea and the refreshing calm of green spaces. We pray that we will never take you or your creation for granted.
We praise you for your intimacy, for walking the path through life with us, knowing our concerns and sharing our joys, filling our hearts with love and hope. Help us never to feel loneliness, or to ignore the lonely in our midst. Give us courage to walk hand in hand with those we love and those who we are tempted to keep away from.
God in community:
Image maker
We give thanks that you created us all in your image, in its diversity. We give you thanks for the rich cultural mix of Hackney and pray that its heritage as a place of welcome will continue to be honoured. We thank you that our churches have always embraced the newcomer and pray that we may continue to do so.
We pray for activists in our communities and churches, help them and encourage us to speak out when we see injustice and hardship. We thank you for our elected representatives and civic officers, so many of whom seek to work with the faith communities to help build safety and resilience among our people.
We give you thanks for the vibrant Inter-Faith Forum, the Barts Health Faith leaders meetings and supportive ecumenical groupings.
God in community
We give you thanks that you have held us and sustained us through the darkest of times. We celebrate the ways we have been able to keep in touch with one another and repent of the times when we have not been able to connect as we would have wanted. As we journey on through uncertain times, we pray that we will hold onto relationships developed across our circuit as we have prayed and worshipped together online. May our communities strengthen as we move forward with new understandings, insights and friends.
God in community, Trinity of love – be our strength and inspiration.
Please pray for:
The revitalised work of the Listening Place project, providing hospitality and support for vulnerable adults. We give thanks for links being made with a wide range of organisations as we look to provide a more holistic service.
For Clapton Park Church, whose members are now a class of another society, and the for the wider circuit as they seek to discern ways to develop the building as a community hub.
Our people, and the individual church communities, faithful but bruised as we seek to recover from the effects of the pandemic.
By Revd Andrew Letby,
Superintendent, Hackney and Stoke Newington Circuit