District News
Revd. Hilary Cheng of the Forest Circuit, offers a prayer for our communities affected by rising levels of knife crime.
Protecting Lord,
You watch over your people with care and compassion.
We are living in turbulent times when knife crime is on the increase. Within our own Circuit, many areas are affected by knife hostility.
We ask that you will help us to play our part, as the Body of Christ, in the communities we serve and to stand up for what is right.
May our churches be a safe haven to those who are afraid or in distress.
May we show understanding towards those who provoke trouble those who are victims, their families and friends, and work with them to bring calm and stability.
Protect all your children, and show us how to be people of change, who represent the love you came to bring, so that our societies may become safer environments for everyone.
In the name of Jesus, we pray.