Synod Summarised
Representative Synod - Sept 2020
This year, Synod has taken a very different turn. The pandemic has forced us to undertake Synod in a new and perhaps very 'modern' way. With great thanks to the crew at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, particularly Revd Tony Miles, we were able to bring you our first virtual Synod, this time as an act of worship (with a side helping of Synod business).
If you didn't get a chance to tune in on Saturday, all is not lost. You can view Synod via the video below. If you have any issues with playing the video, you can also view it via MCHW.Live. Just click the link below:
Postcards from Lockdown:
The District Team are delighted to be able to showcase how lockdown has treated them, in some postcards just for you.
Synod Business
Please note that the Synod Resolutions for the District Budget and Circuit Assessments 2020/21 were adopted by the Synod. Voting was carried out via online voting in advance of Synod. All votes were verified.
District Conference Reps:
Please note that our new District Conference Reps are as listed below. There are currently 3 spaces for lay Synod reps (to serve for one year) and also 3 spaces for reserve lay and ministerial conference reps (also to serve for one year). If you would be interested in fulling this role, please visit our vacancies page.
Ms Nancy Acquaah (2021-23)
Revd Rachel Bending (2021-23)
Revd Steven Cooper (2021-23)
Mr Bala Gnanapragasam (2021-23)
Revd Eleanor Jackson (2021)
Revd David Jebb (2021-23)
Ms Bola Nzekwe (2021-23)
Revd Dr Karl Rutlidge (2021-23)
Revd Ben Twumasi (2021)