A safeguarding training update
Dear all,
We are currently in the process of putting together a training schedule for the remainder of the year. Please see the list below of training for the next 6 months:
Gathered Sessions - Advanced Module Safeguarding Training (online version)
Tuesday 20 June | 7pm - 9pm
Thursday 20 July | 7pm - 9pm
Thursday 24 August | 7pm - 9pm
Thursday 21 September | 7pm - 9pm
Thursday 26 October | 7pm - 9pm
Thursday 23 November | 7pm - 9pm
Advanced Module Safeguarding Training (face-to-face)
Tuesday 25 July | 10am – 3pm
Thursday 19 October | 10am – 3pm
Train the Trainer (Foundation Module)
Tuesday 06 June | 6:30pm - 8:30pm
We are trying to find ways of adding to these dates by creating ‘Hubs’ within the District where people from nearby circuits can go to receive face-to-face training, as we know some people find it difficult to get into Central Hall; and we also know that not all circuits are able to put on training. We are also aware that many people have difficulty with doing the online version of the Advanced Module. So please bear with us on this and we will be updating you in due course with more training dates.
Although there is now a 2023 (new) version of the Advanced Module, unfortunately the online provision for this (which is similar to Theology X) is not yet up and running; so, we would like to ask you all to continue with the 2021 edition of the Advanced Module (via Theology X) until further notice. The Connexion informs us that they are hoping it will be ready before the end of June.
The dates for the F2F training will be available to book from next week, please check the website.
On an advisory note, I still receive a fair amount of emails from people asking to be added to the next ‘gathered session’. Just to reiterate; you must have completed the modules on Theology X first. Once you have done so, I can register you for a gathered session. Please contact me directly when you have completed Theology X.
Thank you for your patience.
Rachael Pielow