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Train the Trainer session for existing Foundation Module Trainers

Becky Skinner, London District DSO, will be holding a Foundation Module Train the Trainer (Basic) session at the beginning of October.

If you are intending to run the Online FM sessions, it is a Connexional requirement that you should have attended the 2020 Train the Trainer session due to the updated material. This is also a requirement for face to face FM training (when we are able to resume this).

Please note, this 'Basic' version is for existing trainers. The 'Full' version is for new trainers or those less experienced. If you are unsure, please contact Becky to discuss.

If you would like to attend this training, please click on the Doodle Poll link below and choose your dates of availability.


Train the Trainer Doodle Poll

Please complete this by Thursday 17th September when the date will then be set.


It is likely that we will not be running another Basic Train the Trainer session until Spring 2021, so please do take this opportunity if you are able.

A 'Full' Train the Trainer session is likely to take place in the new year. If you would like to be added to this waiting list, please contact Becky to be added to the list.

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