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Wimbledon Circuit - Prayers from the District

Sunday 13 December 2020

God of hope and redeemer of the world,

During this advent, we imagine you coming as though we sit in a waiting room, eager to see the door open and our name being called,

A voice beckoning us to come in so that you may help us with our need

A place of hope to dispel our fear of the worst

And to leave in hope, knowing that healing has begun


The people of the Wimbledon Circuit ask your prayers:

  • To continue to be thankful to the Lord for all the positives at such difficult time

  • for time and space to do the things we have put on hold for a long time,

  • for learning new ways of being church,

  • the discovery of zoom and other initiatives which nurture our spiritual growth

  • for not being rushed off our feet from one meeting to another and having the opportunity to sit and eat together as a family

  • For church members and people, we have come to      know who are struggling to face each day

  • For wisdom to work through the challenges which has affected our churches throughout the outbreak of Covid and being in lockdown

Wimbledon Circuit - 13 December 2020
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