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Harrow and Hillingdon Circuit - Prayers from the District

Sunday 25 July 2021

Everlasting God,

Your Word tells us that your promises are eternal and that you will never leave us.

We give thanks that as we emerge from the wilderness period of the pandemic, new horizons are before us.

Help us not to fall back into our old ways of being and doing but to strive towards new things.

Empower, enable, and envision us to embrace your Holy Spirit,

As we seek a new path forward to be your people moving forwards.

We continue to give thanks for the example, life and witness of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Who challenges us always, to serve Him, with all our being.

Direct our paths, may our discipleship continue and may our churches reach out.

In Jesus name we pray,


The Harrow and Hillingon Circuit as you to pray for:

  • The churches across the circuit as they seek to re-engage with their communities

  • The Circuit Mission Strategy as it is re-evaluated in light of the pandemic

  • For the lessons learnt and relationships strenthened during the pandemic, may the lessons and relationships be built upon for the future

By Revd Andrew Pottage

Harrow and Hillingdon Circuit - 25 July 2021
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