City Road Circuit - Prayers from the District
Sunday 23 May 2021
Holy Spirit,
Spirit of Christ,
the wind of your love
has swirled through creation
throughout all ages,
breathing life upon the earth,
and animating the souls of your servants;
from the apostles of the early Church,
through to John and Charles Wesley,
to those of your Church today,
and those of tomorrow.
Rekindle in us your fire,
that we may bear bold and powerful witness
to your lavish love,
your transforming holiness,
and your promise of life in all its fullness.
This we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
The City Road Circuit ask you to please pray for:
For all the people of Israel and Palestine; for reconciliation, and an end to conflict; for peace and lasting security for all; and for all who devote their lives to these ends.
For all who have recently joined, or are preparing to enter into, Membership of the Church; here at Wesley’s Chapel & Leysian Mission, and throughout the district.
For our district ordinands: Esther Akam, Matt Lunn, Ken Kingston and Kathy Johnson, as they prepare for ordination next month, and a life of dedication and service.
- By Revd Steven Cooper