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A Prayer from the Property Development Officer

Tuesday 01 October 2024

Dear Father God,

As we begin this new Methodist year, let us be thankful for the many opportunities available to us to provide meaningful and enriching mission throughout the London District, via our many unique church and missional buildings.


God let us not mourn the loss of those buildings from our responsibility but pray for the expansion and life of those churches from which we can continue to serve your calling.


Let these spaces which are so filled with heritage and story and song be also spaces of colourful worship and deep reflection of your word and grace.


As we continue to consider the future of our buildings, may we be encouraged to walk in the path of the churches Net-Zero goal, both for the health or our buildings and our church family.

God give our buildings protection during the autumn and winter seasons throughout which time so many people rely on the shelter, warmth and companionship afford within.

From the smallest repair works to major redevelopment proposals, please give us wisdom to listen together as a church to how you call us to use, adapt and extend our buildings to deliver your mission.


Please be with all those who care-for, steward and administer to our District property whose time and efforts provide such a valuable service, and who at times go about their work quietly and humbly. Know that you are loved, and we are all incredibly grateful of your dedication.


In Jesus Christ’s Name,


We ask you to please pray for:

  • For the PAG to discern over District property related matters with wisdom, patience and understanding.

  • For all the Churches within our District who are considering or already undertaking major property projects in order to deliver engaging mission to the local community.

  • That all property within our District will embark to be open and approachable spaces for our entire community during these times of increasing hardship.

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