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A Prayer from the London Mission North West Circuit

Tuesday 16 January 2024

Lord God,

Thank you for today with its demands, its opportunities and its pleasures. Help us to remember that, because you share the day with us, you will bring us through it.

Help us not to waste today so that, as we embrace your mission of love for all the world, people will receive justice, find peace and know the love of your coming Kingdom.

And yet, help us take time to enjoy today. The beauty of the world around, the joy of laughter, the exhilaration of dance and music, the wonder of loving and being loved. And – especially when we are still – remind us of your love and presence in our lives. 

Lord God, we thank you for the promise of eternity, timeless enjoyment. May we begin to experience it here and now. And so, into your keeping, O Lord, we commend our families, friends and all those with whom we share our days, both now and forever more.

The people of London Mission (North West) Circuit ask for your prayers:

Please pray for our churches – Fernhead Road, Gospel Oak, Kensal Rise and Kilburn. May God help us to remember that the Church is ultimately not about buildings, but about people and the way that we live, the care and fellowship we share, the worship that is offered, and the kindness and help that is given to friend and stranger.    


Please pray for our church and circuit leaders, both lay and ordained.

May they know God’s guidance (especially in this year of stationing) as the circuit seeks to appoint a new minister.


Please pray for Rev Jonathan Mead and his family as they make plans and move to the USA. May they know God’s love and presence during this time of change and transition. 


In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen

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