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Re-opening churches: your questions answered

Thank you to all those who attended our Reopening Churches Question and Answer Session which took place on Thursday 13 August. The panel consisted of Revd Michaela Youngson (Chair of District), Becky Skinner (District Safeguarding Officer), Sandy Youngson (Public Health Specialist at Brent Council and lead at our Infection Control in Faith Settings Briefings) and Kathleen Henriques-Brown (District Property Development Officer).

Below are a list of questions that were asked on the day and their corresponding answers. Please note that the information provided is correct as of Thursday 13 August. Guidance is changing frequently, and so we strongly advise that the information below is considered in conjunction with guidance issued by both the Government, and the Methodist Church (connexion). A list of links referred to in this session, along with links that may be of use, can be found below. These links are numbered. If a particular piece of guidance / link is referred to in an answer by the panel, it can be identified by the corresponding number.


A downloadable (.pdf) copy of the questions and answers is available below.

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