A Survey for Local Ecumenical Partnerships on safeguarding guidance
An ecumenical working group comprised of the Methodist Church, The Baptist Union and The United Reformed Church is currently reviewing safeguarding guidance available to Local Ecumenical Partnerships (LEPs).
In the next few days a survey will be sent out to all of our Church Safeguarding officers in LEP’s asking them to complete a short survey, which will allow the group to gain a better understanding of local safeguarding arrangements and practice issues.
The survey has been designed for completion by:
Designated Safeguarding LEP Lead
Church Safeguarding Coordinator
Church Safeguarding Officer
Those completing the survey will be asked to take the opportunity to discuss safeguarding with church officers and ministers prior to submission if required.
Due to the nature of LEP’s it may be that a church receives more than one request to complete the survey, only one response is required per church. The deadline for return is the 6th July 2020.
Responses will be collated by the Methodist Church Connexional Safeguarding Team on behalf of the working group to allow the provision of data to the group to support the review. Individual responses will not be retained beyond the current activity.
If you would like any further information on the work being undertaken, or would like to be involved please do not hesitate to contact Mel Argles in Connexion.