Statistics for Mission
The data entry site ( will open for the 2022 statistics collection on 1 November. Please read the information below as it contains important details.
TO NOTE: The 2022 Help and Guidance manual is attached. The (minor) changes to the site are noted on page 6.
TO NOTE: You can start completing other bits of information though, such as office holders and pastoral contacts (see below).
TO NOTE: We are now collecting average attendance data, as well as attendance for online services.
TO DO: Changes of church status
If you have already reported a change of status, you can now submit a reconciliatory statistics record, bringing the final membership down to zero. The person who initially reported the change of status will have received an email with instructions at the time, as well as a reminder email more recently.
If you have not yet reported a change of status, please complete the statistics before going to the church profile tab to submit a change of church status message.
Guidance can be accessed via the first link below.
TO CHECK: With ministers moving stations, it is likely that many of the pastoral contacts listed for individual churches are not up to date any more as this information does not automatically link to the annual stationing changes. Please check if your churches show the correct details in Basic Details section in the Church Profile tab.
TO CHECK: Related to the point above, a reminder that web user permissions for ministers who moved stations might also still need to be changed accordingly.
User accounts for those located in newly merged circuits may also need to be updated.
To make this process easier, all newly moved Superintendents should have already been given full circuit and managing trustee access, and all ministers who have moved should appear in the list of circuit users, albeit without any individual church permissions.
TO CHECK: Now is also a good time to check whether the office holders information listed for each church, circuit and district is still up to date. However, this information can be updated at any time.
Visit these pages for further guidance and information:
Forms and guidance:
Frequently Asked Questions: