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West London Mission (WLM) - Prayers from the District

Sunday 04 October 2020

God of love,


In uncertain and troubling times, we turn to you.


You accompanied Israelites through exile, delivering them from their captivity and offering the hope of a new life with you.


Your presence settled on disciples when they were frightened by the storm, through Jesus offering peace in the midst of chaos.

Accompany us now, in our time of exile and storm, that we may know your presence with us, promising hope and peace to our lives.



Prayer Requests:

We ask you to please pray for: our churches, WLM projects, and the Methodist Chaplaincy House.


Please pray for our churches at Hinde Street and King’s Cross.

  • Please pray for Hinde Street, its people and work. For groups supporting people who are homeless or have addictions. For our work with young adults, particularly for the community flats. For the development and challenge of online worship. We pray for Deacon Belinda, recovering from illness, our community worker, Miriam, on maternity leave and our workplace minister, James, serving the government.

  • Please pray for King’s Cross; for the Chinese migrants and their families, that all will be committed to reach out, to equip, and also to mobilise every believer for the extension of God’s kingdom. Pray that the church will be outward looking and meet the needs of the local community, befriending them; also to befriend the international students. Above all, pray that we all will not forget our loved ones in our respective home countries.

Please pray for our social outreach projects – WLM – as we remember World Homelessness Day on October 10th.

  • Each WLM project helps to prevent homelessness. Pray for the developing work amongst people who are homeless, living with addiction, former prisoners, and those from an ex-military background. For housing, counselling and community resilience projects. Pray for Roger, our CEO, and the staff and users of the WLM services, that they may be empowered to make positive changes in their lives.

Please pray for MCH – (Methodist Chaplaincy House)

  • Please pray for the 24 students and 2 interns who will be living together at MCH in this coming academic year. Please pray that they settle in well, flourish in their studies, and enjoy living together as a Christian community, especially in these uncertain times. Please pray for the members of the International Service and Fellowship groups, including CREW, the student and young adult Fellowship. Please pray for Friday Club, which offers lunch, friendship and support to the local community as we prepare to reopen in a very different and safe way. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers.

God of transformation, pour out your Spirit on the life and work of the West London Mission we pray. Through your grace, we watch in hope for lives to be changed through encounters with the diverse outreach of the Mission. As his disciples, we hear Christ’s call to unity within our diversity, that we might be ready to proclaim the gospel of love for all. Amen.


Revd Peter Cornick - Superintendent Minister of West London Mission Circuit

West London Mission - 04 Oct 2020
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