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Lambeth Circuit - Prayers from the District

Sunday 31 January 2021

God our challenger and disturber, 

help us to confront 

all that makes for death and despair 

in our lives, in our communities, our world.

May we never lose sight 

of the possibility of transformation 

and be continually surprised 

by people who believe in one another.

(from the Iona Community)

We ask you to pray for:

  • Please pray for the new Lambeth circuit that now   encompasses all 9 of the Methodist Churches in Lambeth for this first time.   May we find new ways to witness to our faith and to engage with this diverse   and vibrant borough in which we live, work and worship.

  • We ask your prayers for our 7 local preachers in   training. We thank God for their call and pray for their learning and   development.

  • We ask for your prayers for our major property redevelopment   scheme at Lambeth Mission and for a number of other churches that are seeking   a new vision for their mission and buildings.

Lambeth Circuit - 31 January 2021
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