District Chairs - Prayers from the District
Sunday 01 November 2020
We are One in Christ, one with you, through it all:
Almighty God receiver and moulder of our being,
we glorify your greatness and compassion
for our life situations.
We appreciate O God that often,
we are so concerned for our needs we forget
to give you thanks for shaping us into the people we are;
thank you for the calling to serve you and your church
both in these British Isles and throughout the world.
Thank you for trusting us with the Saving Gospel message
of Jesus Christ our Lord.
We commit dear God to be obedient as you nudge us
through the presence and power of your Holy Spirit;
direct our paths and our will Lord to discern your way
throughout the stationing processes of our church.
Be with those discerning your call at this time
as you aid them to feel affirmed and held in prayer,
be with those making the matching decisions
that they may so do, through hearing your nudging voice;
bind us in oneness Lord as we together seek
to resource your church with the right and fruitful people;
We remember always dear Jesus, that as we fulfil all this work;
we are all part of your universal church,
triumphant and resplendent in her worldly formations;
joyful in mission and pained in persecution
yet resolved to remain at all costs,
as the church rooted ‘in one foundation – Jesus Christ’.
We place all the churches enduring persecution
into your warm encouraging and loving arms Lord,
be their ‘balm of Gilead’,
be their hope in struggle and
embrace them to experience
a healed and hopeful future;
in the name of Christ our Head and Lord of our lives, Amen.
Revd Dr Jongi Zihle - London District Chair