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A Prayer from the Enfield Circuit

Sunday 30 January 2022

Gracious God,

Your love continues to reach into every heart, every life, every home and place of work.

You sit with us when we are at our worst and lead us into new patterns of serving, new ways of hoping and into newness of life.

May we always be grateful for that love expressed in Jesus Christ.

Jesus our Saviour,

Inspire our praying and working in the Kingdom.

Empower our response to your world transforming grace.

Keep us trusting in you.

Holy Spirit,

Enable a risk taking and generous attitude within us.

Reignite the passion for justice and righteousness within your Church.

Speak to us anew.

Holy God, always coming to us: receive our thanks and prayers. In Jesus’ name.



Please pray for:

The ongoing exciting building works at The SPACE, our neighbourhood centre. Please pray for the outreach work of Deacon Jacqueline at The SPACE.

The new initiative to begin a youth club in Edmonton for young people from all backgrounds.

The Enfield Circuit invites you to join with us in thanksgiving for the faithful mission and ministry expressed across the Circuit by so many.

By Revd Daniel Haylett, Superintendent

Enfield Circuit

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