Lord God, may we never forget to praise and thank you for what you have already done for us: you have generously provided the beauty, colour and variety of creation. You have given to us life and have offered us that life in all its fullness through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Faithful God, in all that you have done, we know that you love us completely and will watch over us in the future as we seek to be your people. So, in our worship, our daily living and service, work your purposes in our lives and lead us into a deeper understanding of your love for us, for our churches, for our communities and the world.
Loving God, we recognise your faithfulness to us in the past and are confident of your presence in the future. Help us grasp the challenges of this day and to live to your praise and glory. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Prayer Requests:
The people of London Mission (North West) Circuit ask your prayers for:
The churches of our circuit – Fernhead Road, Gospel Oak, Kensal Rise and Kilburn.
May God teach us in these difficult times to remember that the Church is ultimately not about buildings, but about people and the way that we live, the care and fellowship we share, the worship that is offered, and the kindness and help that is given to friend and stranger.
Rev Esther Akam and other Ordinands as they journey through these challenging times towards Ordination.
May God’s wondrous grace sustain them as they continue to fulfil the ministry to which they have been called.
Rev Jonathan Mead as he endeavours to pioneer a new church community alongside doctoral research.
May this initiative enable the people to explore the Christian faith as they participate in a new community.
- By Revd Dr Paul Hill
(Superintendent Minister of London Mission North West Circuit)

Images taken by Richard Hill and supplied by Revd Dr Paul Hill