Britain's Best Church Magazine Competition
Does your church produce a printed colour magazine? If so you could be in with a chance to win the Association for Church Editors' annual competition 'Britain's Best Church Magazine'. Here's what they had to say:

The search is on for Britain's best church magazine. Entries are now invited for the annual competition run by the Association for Church Editors (ACE).
"Church magazines are often a forgotten but effective means of communication," says Sally Churchus, Chair of the national organisation, "so we are keen to encourage editors everywhere."
For the coming 2021 competition, which closes on 1st February, awards will be made for any sized church magazine, excluding A5, and printed in colour. The Gold Award winner will receive the John King Trophy, to be held for one year, while Silver and Bronze Awards will receive an inscribed trophy to keep, together with a Certificate of Excellence for display.
A panel of judges assesses each magazine, giving points for various aspects including cover design, headlines and clarity of the Christian message. The prize-giving is open to everyone, to be held, hopefully, at Westminster Central Hall on 19th June 2021. The event will include a lecture and workshop on effective magazines.
Who will be eligible to take part?
The 2021 Awards are for any size magazine, but not A5, with colour printing, even just on the cover.
The Awards are open to all Christian denominations that believe in the Holy Trinity.
Types of Awards
The Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards will receive an inscribed trophy to keep, together with a Certificate of Excellence.
The Gold Award winner will receive the John King Trophy, to be held for one year.
The winning entry in each of the following categories will receive a Certificate of Excellence:
Cover design
Overall layout & structure​
Use of graphics
Clarity of the Christian message
Intended readership appeal
Entries not selected for one of the main Awards, but are considered to be of a sufficiently high standard, will receive a Certificate of Achievement.
How to submit your entries:
Please send two copies each of two different issues of your magazine/newsletter produced during the last eighteen months.
The closing date for entries is Monday 1st February 2021.
The review process will be based on printed magazines and not electronic versions.
Please send your 4 magazines plus entry form to:
Angela Price, 14 Browns Way, Aspley Guise, Milton Keynes MK17 8JA
Please note:
The Awards will be presented at our Annual Meeting on Saturday 19th June 2021 at Westminster Central Hall in London.